Why does the RM view not show people who are assigned to the project?


The RM view of my project is stating that no one is assigned to my project, but, there are people assigned and the project plan shows that in the "Assigned To" column as well as the RM panel in the sheet. Why is the RM view saying no one is assigned?

Additionally, for one of the resources, Tuhin, there is a statement, "This user is not part of this Smartsheet Account". However, that user is a managed resource and it seems the assignment happened, at least in the sheet. What does the statement mean?

Here are screenshots illustrating the above question. The first shows the RM view stating no one is assigned, the second shown the project plan sheet with assignments. The third shows the statement about the user Tuhin and the fourth screenshot shows that the user in a managed user.

Thank you!


  • Jeff Casto
    Jeff Casto ✭✭✭✭✭

    Hi @Genevieve P. , might you have any thoughts on this? If you haven't noticed, you're my "go-to" for all things Smartsheet as you are EXTREMELY helpful. Many thanks for dealing with my questions.

  • Will Jeffords
    Will Jeffords Overachievers

    Hi @Jeff Casto , these are kinda of wild shots in the dark, but have you double-checked Tuhin's email aliases for RM versus Smartsheet? I sometimes encounter things like will.jeffords@ vs. wjeffords@ causing issues between tools like this. Again, just something to check…

    On the why folks aren't showing…can we get a screenshot of your filters that show up on the "Schedule" view? I have experienced unexpected contents in RM when it is not filtering as I think it should be on the "Brief" tab, because I forgot to adjust "Schedule" filters as I was reviewing things…also, another guess…

    Also, have you actually "added members" to the Project in RM?…by clicking "Project Settings" in upper right on Brief tab and then clicking Project Members (assuming none show up there). I'm admittedly an RM beginner, so hopefully this is more help than harm :)

    Let me know if useful!


  • Jeff Casto
    Jeff Casto ✭✭✭✭✭

    Hello @Will Jeffords !

    Thank you for your help! I have a couple answers/questions based on your kind assistamce:

    1. The email address we use for Tuhin is the same structure we use for everyone…name@ssk.com. We don't have any other structure and it's interesting to hear you suggest there are different structures for Smartsheet and RM. So, since we use the same structure for everyone, we should be getting the same message for other, but, we're not. However, it's good to know there could be a deeper wrinkle here.
    2. Magically, RM has recognized that there are people on the project…so, whatever it was it was either a time delay or who knows what, but I didn't so anything other than copy the project to mess with it and poof, things started working (the next day)
    3. We did have people assigned, I double checked where you kindly suggested and they are in there…so, maybe the magical fix that made it work also populated that.

    Most importantly, THANK YOU!!!!!!!! Keep up the great work sir.


  • Will Jeffords
    Will Jeffords Overachievers

    Hi @Jeff Casto , thanks for the update - doesn't sound like I was much help, but still glad to hear that the RM magically recognized your folks - there likely is some sort of behind the scenes synching going on there. Checking the "assignments" on projects is perhaps useful as a testing point.

    Let me know if there is any other assistance I can provide or if you want fresh eyes on anything!

