Automation is not working as intended


I am having a problem with my automations. I current have a few automations going on at once but to simply put I need one automation to skip a step if XYZ is applicable. So I have a few columns, a Status column (Dropdown: New, Level 1, Closed), Resolution column (text) and a Assigned to column (Dropdown: Admin 1, Admin 2). These are the triggers for the automations. So once a new ticket is submitted through a form the status is set to be at new. Currently I have it so if Assigned to is changed to any admin, the status column goes from new to level 1. If a resolution is entered into Resolution column then no matter the current status it will change to closed.

Some admins are assigning it and putting in the resolution at the same time which isn't a problem but the automations goes from New > Level 1 > Closed instead of New > Closed. Emails are sent out for level 1 and closed so i want it to bypass level 1 if a resolution is entered at the same time. I tried to fix it by adding a condition where when assigned to changes to any value and if Resolution is blank then change to level 1 but it is still doing all three steps instead of going from new to closed. Is this a automations problem or does the sheet not work like that? Is there another way to set it up so it can bypass level 1 if a resolution is entered at the same time it is assigned so it only sends a closed email?

Best Answer

  • Paul McGuinness
    Paul McGuinness Overachievers
    Answer ✓

    Hi @Jeremy Oesch

    Have you considered adding a formula to a separate (helper) column to deliver an output that then acts as the trigger for the automation instead? as that should remove the ambiguity around which automation to trigger with the cell formula returning only Closed as opposed to level 1 then closed.

    The automation becomes simpler to trigger and removes any errant behaviour while the sheet is saving as it feels like any delay or auto save from the admin between assigning and resolution is what's causing the system to go into level 1 however briefly and trigger the automation.

    Or failing that ask them to complete the resolution field first and then assign it?

    Hope that helps




  • Paul McGuinness
    Paul McGuinness Overachievers
    Answer ✓

    Hi @Jeremy Oesch

    Have you considered adding a formula to a separate (helper) column to deliver an output that then acts as the trigger for the automation instead? as that should remove the ambiguity around which automation to trigger with the cell formula returning only Closed as opposed to level 1 then closed.

    The automation becomes simpler to trigger and removes any errant behaviour while the sheet is saving as it feels like any delay or auto save from the admin between assigning and resolution is what's causing the system to go into level 1 however briefly and trigger the automation.

    Or failing that ask them to complete the resolution field first and then assign it?

    Hope that helps

