What is a formula to capture % Complete when the "Status" changes?



When I change the Status column dropdown option to "Complete" how do I write a formula to automatically change the percent complete?


Status is "Not Started" = Percent Complete is "0%"

Status is "In Progress = Percent Complete is "50%"

Status is Complete = Percent Complete is "100%"


  • dojones
    dojones ✭✭✭✭

    I do it with workflows because I want the option of someone entering either in % Completed or Status.

    With Workflows you can update either Percent Complete or Status to change the other field.

    Workflow 1: 1-99% Percent Complete, change cell value to In Progress

    Workflow 2: 100% Percent Complete, change cell value to Complete

    Workflow 3: 0% Percent Complete, change cell value to Not Started

    Workflow 4: Status is Complete, change Percent Complete to 100%

    To do it with a formula, You can only update % Complete and then change Status willl change based on the formula..

    =IF([% Complete]@row = 0, "Not Started", IF([% Complete]@row = 1, "Complete", "In Progress"))

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