Is there a way to set a time between milestones or tasks?

I have a committee meeting which is a milestone.

If certain documents need to be submitted 2 weeks before that meeting, how do I set that up in SmartSheet?

I thought of just making a 2-week task called something like 'secretary prepares agenda', but it feels a bit clunky.


  • BullandKhmer
    BullandKhmer ✭✭✭✭✭

    OK lets say the agenda was row one and the meeting was row two. The predecessor you want in row one is 2SF-10


    Smartsheets has 4 different types of predecessors

    FS: When the predecessors finishes the successor starts. i.e. 2

    SF: When the predecessors starts the successor finishes. i.e. 2SF

    SS: When the predecessors starts the successor also starts. i.e. 2SS

    FF: When the predecessors finishes the successor also finishes. i.e. 2FF

    You can add lags between tasks by adding +{No of Days} after the predecessor syntax i.e 2+10

    You can add leads between tasks by adding -{No of Days} after the predecessor syntax i.e 2-10

    You have a Start-Finish predecessor with a 10 day lead, therefore 2SF-10.