Updates to Smartsheet API Endpoints: "Users/Sheets" and "Users/Me"

Hello Community,

We have recently made some changes to the Smartsheet public API to enhance the reliability and performance of the “Users/Sheets” and “Users/Me” endpoints.

Changes to the Users/Sheets endpoint:

  • Previously, this endpoint returned four metadata fields: “pageNumber”, “pageSize”, “totalPages”, and “totalCount”. Now, for pages where the data field array is not empty, the “totalPages” and “totalCount” fields will have a static value of “-1”.
  • Previously, each sheet reference in the data field array contained values for “id”, “name”, “owner”, and “ownerID”. Now, the “owner” field returns an empty string, and “ownerID” is set to a static value of “0”.

Changes to the Users/Me endpoint:

  • Previously, this endpoint returned various metadata fields including company, department, email, first name, last name, last login, sheet count, and more information about the user. The “sheetCount” field is now set to a static value of “0”.

Please review the Smartsheet public API documentation for the Users/Sheets and Users/Me endpoints for more details.

Best regards,

The Smartsheet Product Team