Team Member Contact shows as email address

Hi all,

One of my team members was invited to our Workspace (before I came on board)

with his contact name as just email address, while everyone else has "Name" then email address. In our ticketing sheet, we use an Assigned To column that is a Contact List and his name shows there but when I run a workflow to automatically assign tickets to him, the only option I get is his email address. In "My Smartsheet Contacts" he is listed with his name then email address. I'm thinking I need to remove him from the Workspace and reinvite him with Contact Name, but not sure if that will mess up any tickets that he is currently assigned to. It looks like it's just the Workspace/Sheet collaborators that his email address is the primary. Thanks in advance!


  • Ray Lindstrom
    Ray Lindstrom ✭✭✭✭✭✭
    edited 06/07/24

    Looks like when originally invited to the sheet/workspace, the user's name wasn't entered. Since, the user has probably gone into his account settings and added his name. Any resource he was shard to, or any field his email was entered in CAN be deleted and re-added so that his name can be displayed instead of email. I do this all the time, and it has no impact on anything assigned to the users.

    I would do what you suggested. Remove and re-add him to the workspace. You can uncheck the option to "Notify People" when re-sharing to him.

    All the best,

  • BristolCVN
    BristolCVN ✭✭✭✭

    Hi Ray, Thanks so much! That's what I thought, but always good to get confirmation.

  • BristolCVN
    BristolCVN ✭✭✭✭

    Hi Ray,

    That didn't work. I removed him from the Workspace and when I typed his name in, the Contact appeared with his Full Name and Email Address underneath. But once selecting him and sending invite, it reverted back to just his email address.

  • Having this same issue. It's aggravating. There seem to be a lot of this type of problem, I don't believe it hasn't been resolved yet. I wonder if it can be "fixed" with an automation…

  • I am having the same issues