Sharing Sheets with Outlook Recipients (Copy & Paste)

kowal Overachievers Alumni
edited 06/10/24 in Smartsheet Basics

Dear Smartsheet,

I use smartsheet for many years and whenever I needed to share a sheet with multiple users I could always copy the recipients from Outlook email and past it directly to Smartsheet. I noticed that few weeks back after the interface changes it's not possible anymore and the Name Surname, <>; Name1 Surname1, <>; is not recognised anymore can you please bring it back? it saved me so much time on sharing sheets etc.

Tomasz Kowalski

The Real Smartsheet Enthusiast

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  • swfascetti
    swfascetti ✭✭✭✭✭

    Have you thought about publishing your sheet instead of sharing it?

  • kowal
    kowal Overachievers Alumni

    hi @swfascetti thanks for the idea however some of the stuff shall be shared only with dedicated people.

    If I publish something then the link can go into the unwanted hands etc.

    Tomasz Kowalski

    The Real Smartsheet Enthusiast

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  • swfascetti
    swfascetti ✭✭✭✭✭

    Have you thought about creating a group once — even if it is tedious and then share that she with your "dedicated" group. Or, use work apps (my recent new project) where you can create customized reports off the same sheet and then share based on different roles — protecting your "private" stuff.

  • kowal
    kowal Overachievers Alumni

    Hi, yeah I have groups and those are very useful :) but not in my case.

    I organize smartsheet trainings so I invite people by Outlook calendar and then i just copy all those from outlook and paste to the training workspace :) It was working like charm since 2019 to last week.

    each time different people … now I need to put each person individually ;(

    Tomasz Kowalski

    The Real Smartsheet Enthusiast

    Is there anything else we can help you with? - book your time!

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