How to add a formula within a form that auto populates based on values filled out in other fields?

I need to include a formula in a form that shows a percentage based on values that a user will input when filling out a form. I need to do this because other questions on the form will depend on the value of the formula.

For example,

My form has these two fields: Original Contract Amount & Change Order Amount

I then need a Percentage column that calculates (original contract amount/change order amount) that will populate on the form as soon as the user fills out these two fields. The user's answers to the remaining form questions will change depending on whether the percentage is above or below 5%.

After researching, I understand there is no way to include a column formula on a form, but does anyone know of a workaround? I just need any possible way to get the % reflected directly on the form. Any insight or thoughts would be appreciated!



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