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Option to link to a row within the same sheet

We can currently hyperlink cells in a sheet to another row. And that row can be in the same sheet or another sheet. 👍️

I would like the additional option when linking to a row in the current sheet, that would allow me to specify whether the link is fixed to the sheet (this is the current situation) or can change if the sheet is copied.

This enhancement would enable me to link to rows in my template sheet. Then copy that workspace and have the links still work on the copy (linking to the correct rows within the copy rather than back to the template). 😍😍😍

This would be a similar experience to how we can link to a sheet via the "Link to URL" (fixed) or "Link to other Smartsheet" (which is relative if that option is selected when the workspace is copied).

I cannot see a way to achieve this at the moment.

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