Consolidating Forms Into One Smartsheet

I wanted to get the communities suggestions/recommendations. So we have 3 different portals that we would like to create a request form that a client will fill out to request access. The forms will share column headings such as - Requestor Name, User First Name, User Last Name, User Email, etc.. After that headings will be a little unique based on the portal. What are some suggestions on having these 3 forms (which would have 3 separate smartsheets), but consolidating into one smartsheet.

My initial idea, is to have the first column as a drop down to choose one of the portals and from that the form will show the applicable questions associated to that portal. However if done this way, the smartsheet would just look long and have gaps of open space in between.

Any other suggestions/ideas on how to go about this?


  • SoS | Dan Palenchar
    SoS | Dan Palenchar ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    Hello @Reggie Andaya,

    You can have one form populate multiple sheet. This video might help you:

    For your specific situation you could set up a form that only has the fields that are shared across the three portals. You could also have a selection for which portal to use.

    Based on the portal selected, you could have a move row automation to send the row to that Sheet. Once it lands there you could trigger an update request to collect any more data needed.

    An alternative would be to have one Sheet with all of the fields needed across the 3 sheets. In your form, you'd start by having the user fill out the shared fields and then the portal to use. Based on the portal, form logic would cause the specific rows to appear. From here you have options:

    • Use reports to separate the data based on portals (one for each showing only the columns needed).
    • Use move row automations to move the rows to individual Sheets and hide the irrelevant columns.
    • Use the API to selectively copy only columns of interest to separate Sheets.

    Hope one of these works for you!

    School of Sheets (Smartsheet Partner)

    If my answer helped please accept and react w/💡Insightful, ⬆️ Vote Up, ❤️Awesome!

  • Reggie Andaya
    Reggie Andaya ✭✭✭✭

    On the main sheet, is there a way to create a filter that would hide the non-applicable columns that don't pertain to that specific portal or will I need to do that via a report?