New copy of an old project

Hi! We have a long list of about 100 projects in a sheet - about 80 of them will be "restarting" or "renewing" this year. Instead of making the requesters fill out the intake form again, I'm hoping to save some time by copying rows from "this year's" request to "next year's" request, and just make some minor updates to the new row.

Essentially, we want this tracked as a "new" project, but since we already have all the information, think it may be easiest to create a copy & make updates.

I may be overthinking this… I drew out this workflow, the two teal squares are where I am trying to figure out what this process might look like.

Any automation suggestions? I do have access to data shuttle, in case there is a way to do it there.


  • SoS | Dan Palenchar
    SoS | Dan Palenchar ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    Hello @krsch88,

    I'm not sure what your complete workflow looks like and the architecture of your system (Sheets, Workflows/Automations, etc.), but if you want to reuse the data in an existing row for a new project your plans seems fine to me.

    I would simply select the rows you want to reuse and copy them to your sheet for next year's project. If you want something more "alive" you can set up an automation to copy rows based on relevant status changes or some other trigger. Additionally, if you will need to update the same fields for each row you could add a clear cell automation to the destination Sheet so that all the data to be replaced gets blanked out, this would help easily see what needs to be changed and not miss anything.

    Hope that helps!

    School of Sheets (Smartsheet Partner)

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  • krsch88
    krsch88 ✭✭✭

    Oh that is super helpful - the clear cell automation is one I generally try to avoid, but I think it could be a good use case here! Thanks for the suggestions.