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Disable License Request Features



  • Tim Starkey
    Tim Starkey ✭✭✭✭✭

    I have brought it up with our account rep, as well as other contacts at Smartsheet. I am not a pitchforks kinda guy, so rebellion is out for me… and I need the software, so kinda over a barrel. But a well organized campaign I can get behind. Possibly a petition or getting enterprise users to submit feedback en masse. (Not just admins like many of us, but all the day to day users on an enterprise plan). Unfortunately, I doubt there would be much success in getting significant participation. Images below show our company license landing page, where it suggests they let Smartsheet know they do not like the banner. I would be surprised if 5 people submitted that feedback. Its easy enough to point it out to me in meetings, but they have other things to do than campaign.

    I will give Smartsheet the benefit of the doubt in that they want day to day users to know what is available. And as a business owner, I also understand the economics and advertising aspect to increase income as well. Which may be significant… I would be curious to know the statistics on license purchases that result from the 'button'.

    Ultimately, I truly believe that there is a disconnect between Smartsheet's intent, and the actual user experience. Compared to other platforms that I have used, their 'upgrade' banners are the most egregious, and the narrative ("join your team", "manage your own projects") is the most confusing. And after the lead in, they send the user to their "organization" to make the request. I feel like there is so much wrong here…

    I think it's unlikely the banner will ever go away completely. I would be prefer to see neutral language like "Enterprise Plan Collaborator" instead 'unlicensed'. I think the enterprise should allow the trial period, and it should not be automatic. I think ONE upgrade button is more than sufficient. I think the benefits explanation needs to be more accurate (aren't they already collaborating?). Ultimately the benefit a license provides is creating new content and workflows… which requires ongoing support and adherence to policy. A more accurate description would be "join your firms Smartsheet Support Team".

    The best (or most likely?) outcome might be having Smartsheet create a feedback group from enterprise users to work out a compromise.

  • Tim Starkey
    Tim Starkey ✭✭✭✭✭

    Just a thought…

    Current banner and pop-up (yes… I clicked the banner in this test account…so now have a trial)

    An alternative I could live with (note the single upgrade button)

    The cynical approach…

  • Jon Barto
    Jon Barto ✭✭✭✭✭

    This is totally ridiculous on Smartsheet part. We have over 300-400 subcontractors we are looking to be just users and don't need a license. We are getting crushed with requests. We may need to look elsewhere at a different program now.

    Here is another example that Smartsheet completely ignores and doesn't care. I swear it seems sometimes their developers actually don't listen to the anyone in the forum or even use the program. So frustrating. More like DumbSheet sometimes!

  • Its very distracting to those who just use sheets to have this button on the page. I get license requests and then have to decline them all the time, creating friction in the process. Please allow us to remove it. its distracting and takes away from our branding and user experience. For enterprise level clients this should be a feature.

  • Tony Platts
    Tony Platts ✭✭✭✭

    I don't think you'll get this but I'd also like to vote for it. I've had multiple licence requests this week from clients who will only need to view a dashboard.

    At very minimum, hiding the request bar permanently would be a great help.

  • thadmclemoreQ
    thadmclemoreQ ✭✭
    edited 08/07/24

    Please remove that Request License button!! Large customers like us, which I'm sure you want to keep happy, find this very annoying and taking up too much of our time. In most companies, sending this request to a SysAdmin doesn't generate a license request. They have to contact IT Procurement.

    I know you're looking for lots of avenues to generate additional license purchases but believe me, this isn't working for you. It only distracts and annoys your admins.

  • NeilTRD
    NeilTRD ✭✭

    I ended up just blocking the URL that it invokes when you press the button. This is a sales company that happens to do technology on the side.

  • Cleversheet
    Cleversheet ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    @NeilTRD that’s a clever idea. Are you able to not just block it but also redirect it to an internal page that explains whassup about licensing?

  • Joe Goetschel
    Joe Goetschel ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    I totally understand this want. I was an admin for years and this was an annoyance. If you have enterprise, this is a great fix. Leverage the Custom Upgrade Screen. (In admin center)

    Make a sheet to track these requests, and add an approval workflow so the requestor has to fill out a form and get it approved by their manager. If they really want it, make the managers approve the cost. This way you are not notified unless it's been approved to buy/use an additional license

    We have found that most times we implement this for a client, 80%/90% of people stop requesting because they do not want to justify the need and or get approval.

    Joe Goetschel | Smartsheet Director | SCS CLOUD - Smartsheet Partner

    Save My Contact

    "The only real limitation of Smartsheet is the level of effort required to achieve your goal."

  • Stefan
    Stefan ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    Second that. still waiting for this to be more manageable in all account types, but that’s the way to go with Enterprise!

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