Is the functionality of dynamic view logic by design?

Zsoltolah ✭✭
edited 07/08/24 in Smartsheet Basics

Hello! I love the Dynamic view as it allows users to edit existing data. But, how the logic function is causing a lot issues. Unlike in a form, where changing the value of a field instantly triggers the logic, the Dynamic View requires to hit save to trigger it. I hope this is not by design and it was just easier and faster to implement.

When you're updating a status, for example that require a date entry, once you saved the status field the date entry field appears but because it's required you can't change the status field back to a different status until you satisfy the required end date, even if it should be hidden at that point. Basically, you stuck between states. That's just one of the problems..

This functionality difference is especially confusing for our users when we use both forms and dynamic view. Does anyone know if this is by design or it is on the roadmap to achieve parity with forms?

Or maybe I'm the only one having this issue?


