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Webform - Changing color for healiners, email,


First request, it could be helpful to have the heading “Required Information” in red font so it stands out. Feedback from the Controllers reaching my desk indicates that xxx had to verbally point those out to the controllers, so please let’s work on rectifying that.


Also, under “Required Information” the person submitting the request can ask for a copy of their responses by checking the check box at the bottom of the form, just above the “Submit” button. When they check this box it required that to duplication an action that they have already done (i.e. enter their e-mail address). It seems that checking the box should pull in the e-mail address that was previously entered, versus forcing the user to re-enter their e-mail address again.




Lastly, there is also no “Cancel” button on the form for those instances where a controller begins a request then realizes s/he does not need to complete one. This is a priority (of course everything is  a priority) and I need your attention and detailed oriented skills to complete these changes. Thank you.


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