Dynamic View

I currently have a sheet that contains a contact list column and this sheet is copied over into a new blank sheet each month. We create a dynamic view from this sheet so that each individual will ONLY see HIS/HER row information. There are more than 20 users at any given time to share this dynamic view with, and currently we have to select those each time we create a dynamic view (because dynamic view won't copy from sheet to sheet each month). I would like to create a group that houses all these individuals, so that I won't have to select each and every person each and every month…However, I don't have the access or am not allowed the feature of creating a group. Is there any other alternative for my situation?


  • Kerry St. Thomas
    Kerry St. Thomas ✭✭✭✭✭

    If your Dynamic View is already filtered to "…by Current User" in that contact list column… you can overshare. Since you aren't a Group Admin, this might be the easiest way to go. If you share to your entire domain, everyone will have access to the Dynamic View ITSELF - but it'll be blank except for people who are in that contact list column.

    If this answer resolves your question, please help the Community by marking it as an accepted answer. I'd also be grateful for your response - "Insightful"or "Awesome" reactions are much appreciated. Thanks!

  • Teresa.Morgan
    edited 07/09/24

    So, are you saying that we don't have to share individually on the "sharing" tab if we already have it filtered by the user on the general tab? Or will we need to share to our "domain" still?