Unable to Move Rows - No Automations

Hello - we manage a sheet in which we manually move rows and no automations are set. I am receiving the error attached. I received the error last night and still receiving the error this morning. Is there some sort of 'back log' or 'queue' where rows are sitting to complete a move or what would cause this error?


  • Cory Page
    Cory Page ✭✭✭✭✭

    I would take a quick look at the sheets activity log, I have not seen a pop up like that before and we move rows around all day long. Granted I do that automatically but I have triggered an automation only for it to fail and then manually move some rows. I think a few months ago Smartsheets reduced the number of rows that can be moved at one time, I use to slide thousands of rows with no issues for the past 3 or so months 4 - 8 hundred are the best I can get.

    Either way a quick look at the activity log should help you see if its an automation or another user.

  • Sara S
    Sara S ✭✭✭

    Aly, do you have an automation set up on the destination sheet to move the row back to the original sheet? I haven't gotten this error in a while, but I think it happened when I accidently set up a loop to send the row back to the original place.