How can I publish a calendar app on a dashboard so that anyone can see it?

Greetings all,

I'm trying to publish a calendar using the calendar app on a dashboard. I want anyone who has the link can see the calendar. It has worked before so I'm at a loss…

I am using the "anyone with the link" link in the web content widget , so I'm surprised that people being asked to log into calendar app on the dashboard (see below)

Any ideas?

Thank you!


  • Jason Tarpinian
    Jason Tarpinian ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    If you've got these settings turned on, it sounds like you may need to submit a bug ticket. Publishing's sole purpose is to allow people to see Smartsheet data without having an account. Maybe verify that the URL copied properly?

    Jason Tarpinian - Sevan Technology

    Smartsheet Aligned Partner