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Summary Fields for Dashboard based on dropdown values

Hi All,

I have a rewuirement and, although I have a solution, it is very manual. I was wondering if there was a better andmore efficient way of doing what I needed.

It is a question of reverse engineering in that my requirement starts with the end product a dashboard. On this dashboard I wish to show, in graph format, how many failed delivery records there are for each depot in the last 7 days.

Currently there are 13 depots

So in my smartsheet I have 13 summary fields, one for each depot, with a formula to count if the record was created in the last 7 days.

I have several other things to summarise by depot but this is just the simplest example.

All is fine until another 3 depots are added and now I have to add another 3 summary fields for each of the things I want to count.

The depots are in a dropdown, and this is now updated using data shuttle, meaning I can keep my dropdown up to date but still have to manually add my summary fields.

😎 so brilliant can anyone think of an easier way to do this as I'm about to create a new dashboard with 3 counts x this month, last month & previous month x depots (currently 13 + grand total) = 126 summary fields I need to create and add formula to.

🙄my concerns are initial volume to create but also how to keep up to date to match the values in the dropdown

I appreciate there may not be a solution but just thought I'd ask incase I'm just stuck in the longwinded method and there is a better way to achieve this.

Many thanks all in anticipation


Sue Rogers

AmerisourceBergen - MWI Animal Health

Business Analyst

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