Formulas and Functions

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Autopopulating a job number

I have set up a sheet that will house our jobs. It has been requested that each job have its own row, nestled under the customer's name. Our job numbers are derived by using the customer number, year, and job number for the year. For instance, the first job of 2024 for Customer A with a customer number of 1000 would have a job number of 1000-24001, the second job for them would be 1000-24002. I have it successfully working in a row as you can see in the image below. However, this row has to be copied and pasted to the next row. I'd like for it to be autogenerated. Below I explain how I have this set up. It is likely convoluted, but I am doing my best without any real training!

Both the Customer Name and Customer Number are currently selected from a linked sheet, by right clicking, selecting Link from Cell in Other Sheet, choosing the Customers Sheet I've created, and selecting the Customer Name, then the Customer number in the corresponding cells.

I've created a year column function using the function YEAR(TODAY ()) - 2000. The user will manually complete Job Column (001, 002, 003, etc). To create the job number, I am using the join formula to create a column called Start of Job Number which Joins the Customer Number and Year Columns together separating them with a -. That, along with the Job Column that was filled in by the user to create a Job Number column using the simple formula of [Start of Job Number]@row + Job@row. Confusing, but it is working to get the desired job number of Customer Number - Year Job Number.

I'm confident there is a cleaner way to do this, but I've literally been at this for 2 days, so please be kind! Right now, my main need is for the user not to have to copy this row manually. Any suggestions are appreciated.

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