String Formula/Substitute Formula

Hello, I have two questions. Can someone help me understand the coding created at the end of this string query I use for a prepopulated form? Also, when I add a new section looking for the "Time," do I need to add an extra substitute in the formula, and do I add any "codes" at the end? Here's the formula I'm referring to:

End of formula: " ", "%20"), ",", "%2C"), "#", "%23"), ":", "%3A"), CHAR(10), "%0D%0A")

="" + SUBSTITUTE(SUBSTITUTE(SUBSTITUTE(SUBSTITUTE(SUBSTITUTE("Event ID =" + [Event ID]@row + "&Event Name=" + [Event Name]@row + "&Firm=" + Firm@row + "&Event Location=" + [Event Location]@row + "&Event Date=" + [Event Date (H)]@row + "&Time=" + Time@row, " ", "%20"), ",", "%2C"), "#", "%23"), ":", "%3A"), CHAR(10), "%0D%0A")

Most Appreciated!




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