Links to Smartsheet rows fail due to the last filter used

When our users select a link to a Smartsheet row, they often get the following message, which applies the last filter they had selected and thus hides the record that they're trying to access.

Is there any work in progress to fix this?

This is in addition to them not being able to sort when a filter is applied is really impacting our adoption.


  • Isaac A.
    Isaac A. Employee

    Hi @GrantKiwi

    To have a better understanding and troubleshoot efficiently, could you provide more context about what your users are doing just before encountering this error message? Specifically:

    1. What steps are they taking leading up to the message?
    2. How does the sheet look before they select the link? (Please make sure to blur or redact any sensitive information.)
    3. What are they trying to accomplish when they encounter the error?

    This additional information will help us address the issue more effectively.



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  • Hi - when Smartsheet sends a notification (Email, Teams, etc) it includes a link to the specific row in the sheet. Even if the user doesn't have Smartsheet open, clicking on the link opens up the browser, applies the last filter they used, and then fails to show the record if it's not in that filter.

    In an ideal world, clicking a link to a row should go to that row if it exists, not throw an error. Our users have to click the link, dismiss the error, remove their filter, go back to the link, click it again to get to the record.

    The way the filters are designed, the inability to sort filtered records, and the inability to see all of their tasks in one place (a report is not the answer) are causing my users to complain about Smartsheet.