Create a workflow IN deactivate mode

I know I can make a workflow THEN deactivate. But the workflow needs to be valid before it allows me to save.

I want to create a workflow IN deactivated mode.

[I was hoping I could make a workflow that even if it had flaw it would save. Right now, I cannot even save it. So, when I have a good idea I want to try out, but it doesn't work I can't save it and try later.]

Best Answer


  • Leroy Noriega
    Leroy Noriega ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    When you build out a workflow it needs to be live, build out the workflow (it will not trigger), then deactivate. This will allow you to save your workflow and be deactivated.

    Leroy Noriega | Smartsheet SME | Independent Smartsheet Consultant

    Core App, Project Management and System Administrator Certified🏅

    E: | Linkedin Profile

  • Leroy Noriega
    Leroy Noriega ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    You can also copy the sheet in a different location save your workflow and test it. If it all works well you can mimic the same workflow format into the original sheet.

    Leroy Noriega | Smartsheet SME | Independent Smartsheet Consultant

    Core App, Project Management and System Administrator Certified🏅

    E: | Linkedin Profile

  • LAW
    Answer ✓

    Thank you. I see that "creating in deactivate mode" is not possible but your workarounds sound viable. Appreciate your response.