How can I automate to show what month my reporting is

How can I automate in a dashboard what month we are reporting on? Picture below showing July, but I want it to automate to August as we are now in August.


  • Matt Johnson
    Matt Johnson ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    Hi @ohoward

    On a metric sheet, you could add helper column for =MONTH(Date@row). That will give you the number of the month. Then in another helper column you could add this formula:

    =IF(MonthNumber@row = 1, "January", IF(MonthNumber@row = 2, "February", IF(MonthNumber@row = 3, "March", IF(MonthNumber@row = 4, "April", IF(MonthNumber@row = 5, "May", IF(MonthNumber@row = 6, "June", IF(MonthNumber@row = 7, "July", IF(MonthNumber@row = 8, "August", IF(MonthNumber@row = 9, "September", IF(MonthNumber@row = 10, "October", IF(MonthNumber@row = 11, "November", IF(MonthNumber@row = 12, "December"))))))))))))

    And then aim the dashboard widget at that cell in the metric sheet.

    Note - You should also add an automation to the metric sheet to have it refresh everyday at midnight or something.

    There's probably a way to put it all into one helper column but sometimes separating the formulas makes it easier.

    I hope that helps.


    Matt Johnson

    Sevan Technology

    Smartsheet Aligned Partner

  • Thank you that worked.