Creating Linked Sections of a Schedule

Hi first an introduction to what I am doing.
I am a construction manager and I am exploring Smartsheet to up the efficiency. Call it R&D if you will. I wanted to describe what I am looking for without filter , I hope an expert tells me if it is feasible.

The function I am looking for is this: I have different parts of the building that have their own mini schedules that needs to tie into a grand master schedule. These mini schedules need to be on separate sheets that has the exact same column/information structure with master schedule.

These separate sheets with identical structure but of different scopes will be run by different teams so I also need to limit their ability to certain actions like adding rows, changing dates but deleting or creating columns should not be available .

On master planning I have all my tasks numbered as ,… , ….. …. and so on. When I recall these mini schedules into the master schedule they should fall where their order is by looking at these numbers rather than a person manually linking them. If a team creates a row on their sheet that corresponds to which, lets say, isn't defined or doesn't exist on master schedule, smartsheet should be able add it to the master schedule where it falls in the linked section. So I want to limit them within categories (lets say to but they should be able to expand their domain if a surprising new scope comes up and I shouldn't be editing master schedule every second to add each team's new row there will be 10 teams. So I want to link sections that can be run by different teams that have definite ends or milestones numbered, with flexibility enough to expand. While also things move master schedule and each other based on how I link them.

Linking cells , even with groups of cells with my scale is inefficient and gets too laborious every time they add rows, and it got too broken and hard to manage.

I am aware this is not a perfect description but I need the basic functionality to explore more and iron the kinks to get it to %100.

Is this achievable ?

Thank you
