How to move a smartsheet Account/User to another organization plan without transferring asset?

edited 08/09/24 in Smartsheet Basics

We're currently in the process of moving a smartsheet account with everything it own (sheet , files, reports etc. ) from one organization plan to another? But the system admin of the current organization plan cannot remove the user in their organization without transferring the asset, therefore it cannot be invited in the new organization. Kindly help.


  • Isaac A.
    Isaac A. Employee

     Hi @DYJ!

    Since assets are tied to the user account, the user will need to share the assets with a user in the new plan and then change the permissions to make the new user the owner of the assets. Once the original user no longer has Owner permissions, they can be removed from the old plan and invited to join the new one.

    I recommend to follow these steps to move a Smartsheet account to another organization plan:

    1. Share Assets: Share the sheets, reports, or dashboards with a user in the new plan. If the items are in a workspace, the new user must have Admin access to the workspace.
    2. Transfer Ownership: To transfer ownership, follow these steps:
    • Open the sheet, report, or dashboard you want to transfer.
    • Click on Share at the top right corner.
    • In the Collaborators section, find the person you want to make the new owner.
    • Hover over their permissions settings, click the dropdown, and select Make Owner.
    • Smartsheet will send an email to the new owner. They need to accept the ownership transfer.

    Transfer Multiple Items: If you need to move multiple items, it might be easier to:

    • Create a new workspace.
    • Share the workspace with the new owner and give them Admin permissions.
    • Drag and drop the items into the new workspace.
    • The new owner can then drag and drop the items into their desired location within the workspace
    • For more details, refer to this article Change Owner permissions of a sheet, report, or dashboard.

    Once the assets are transferred and the new user has ownership, you can remove the user from the old organization plan and invite them to the new plan.

    I hope this helps!



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