Calendar View

I'm coming to the experts to figure this one out. I've created a list of tasks people must do on my sheet with all the normal data. I've also added a check box that each person will mark with their task is done.

I'm publishing in Calendar view, and I'd like to change the color of the task when it is checked. The calendar will then clearly show what is done and what is still outstanding.

Can this be done?


  • Will.Parente
    Will.Parente ✭✭✭✭✭

    Within conditional formating there is a Task Bar option that I think will accomplish what you need.

    So below it would be IF (box is checked) apply this format to the entire row, but only change the task bar option.

    Let me know if this works!

  • No. I use conditional formatting all the time. It only changes on the sheet not the calendar. I can manually change the color but can't figure out how to get it to work on the calendar view