Axis Scaling on a Dashboard Graph

Hi All,

I'm trying to create a graph widget on a dashboard - easy enough - with data points that are very diverse.

Essentially 2 data points per month, the first is typically say 50,000 and the second maybe 20, I can pull both numbers but the 20 is never visible due to the scale on the vertical axis.

In Excel I'd either stagger the single axis or have duel vertical axis.

Has anyone got a solution for this, WCS is I have 2 separate graphs :-(



  • smmcne2
    edited 08/09/24

    It'd be a workaround but consider dividing your 50k data point by 1k. This way your axis easily contains 50 and 20, without a secondary axis (which I believe SS doesn't support). And of course you'd want to call out the 50 as representative of thousands, could add a footnote text box just below the chart.

  • Terry P
    Terry P ✭✭✭

    Great Idea smmcne2, I'll give that a try :-)