Can I set a cell equal to all data from a column of another sheet?

I want to pull a whole column of data from Sheet1 into a single cell on sheet2. The name of the column on sheet 1 is "Emails".

I can't get a formula to work.

cell formula something like ={Sheet1!Emails}?

I am pretty new to Smartsheet formulas.


  • Adam Murphy
    Adam Murphy ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    Hi, I think you need to use a combination of JOIN and COLLECT to do this, something like =JOIN(COLLECT({Sheet1Emails}, {Sheet1Emails}, NOT(ISBLANK(@cell))), ",")

  • Thanks Adam. I did end up getting a version of this to work.
    Second question is whenever I pull contact information across sheets like this, I can't get it to keep the source formatting (which is a company contact info).

    Any ideas?

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