Automated Functions Assistance - Automatic Email Response to a Submission

I have a form set up to allow managers to submit a response to a questionnaire. I'd like to generate an automated email that thanks the user for submitting a copy of their responses without the user having to check the box.

I'd also like to mass email everyone who submitted a response once the questionnaire closes. Is there currently a automation that allows that?


  • Adam Murphy
    Adam Murphy ✭✭✭✭✭✭
    edited 08/12/24

    Yes this is a basic alert notification in the automation menu. You would set the trigger to "when rows are added" for the first automation, then select the "Alert Someone" action.

    Then select "Send to contacts in a cell", and customize your message. You can choose to include specifics cells or all fields, or just the message.

    For the second one I'd create a similar automation except change the trigger to "When a date is reached"

    For both of these you can add optional filter conditions as well. Hope this helps.