Duplicate Forms with Different Dropdowns

edited 08/15/24 in Smartsheet Basics

Hi! We have an enrollment form that we have translated into various languages. When I duplicate the original form (English) and change the dropdowns to another language with the English version in parenthesis, it changes all the forms to that. I did look up how to make this work and found an old post about making multiple columns for each form and then having one column for all the forms with all answers and hiding the individual columns, but I just cannot figure it out. The post is here. I just do not get it and haven't been using SmartSheet long enough for it to make total sense to me. Can someone break it down for me? Thank you!!!

Best Answer

  • Paul McGuinness
    Paul McGuinness Overachievers
    Answer ✓

    Hi @dbye

    You have a couple of options to pull the entries back to the main column:

    Rows 1 - 3 work on an IF formula

    =IF([Preferred language]@row = "English", [Test (English)]@row, IF([Preferred language]@row = "French", [Test (French)]@row, IF([Preferred language]@row = "German", [Test (German)]@row, "Error")))

    Rows 4 - 6 work using Join

    =JOIN([Test (English)]@row:[Test (German)]@row)

    But the results are the same

    Hope that helps


    Paul McGuinness


  • Adam Murphy
    Adam Murphy ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    For each dropdown field you will want to create a corresponding field for each language. You will configure the dropdown choices for each corresponding language as you desire. You will create the forms using the distinct fields for each language (not sharing them between forms). Then if you want to see the answers all in one "unified" field you would create that field for each question and use a simple IF statement to populate it from the other fields.

    Example: You have 2 questions and 2 languages. You will have 6 columns in your sheet: Question 1 result (IF formula), Question 1 English, Question 1 Other Language, Question 2 result (IF formula), Question 2 English, Question 2 Other Language. In form 1 you would use fields Question 1 English and Question 2 English, in form 2 you would use Question 1 Other Language and Question 2 Other Language.

    The IF formula in the linked post is a good example so I am not replicating that here. Hope this makes sense.

  • dbye
    edited 08/14/24

    That does make some sense… we have like 8 languages though, so this is going to be very long! Since SmartSheet doesn't use IFs statements like Excel, it's a bit more convoluted in my head! LOL

    I think the bigger problem is that each language column will have the same answers but in different languages. I'm wondering if the better thing to do would be to reference the preferred language and then provide the answer from that language column…. does that make sense?

    The "What are your goals?" column will have all of the choices and all of the other "goals" columns will be hidden, right? Then it will just show of the correct version of the answer based on what language they choose.

    I just don't know how to write that!

  • Paul McGuinness
    Paul McGuinness Overachievers
    Answer ✓

    Hi @dbye

    You have a couple of options to pull the entries back to the main column:

    Rows 1 - 3 work on an IF formula

    =IF([Preferred language]@row = "English", [Test (English)]@row, IF([Preferred language]@row = "French", [Test (French)]@row, IF([Preferred language]@row = "German", [Test (German)]@row, "Error")))

    Rows 4 - 6 work using Join

    =JOIN([Test (English)]@row:[Test (German)]@row)

    But the results are the same

    Hope that helps


    Paul McGuinness

  • Oh my gosh!!! Paul that =Join worked like a dream!!! Thank you sooooo much!!!

  • Paul McGuinness
    Paul McGuinness Overachievers
    edited 08/15/24


    No worries at all, glad it helped.


    Paul McGuinness