Strange Issue with Sharing

edited 08/16/24 in Smartsheet Basics

I am trying to share a sheet with someone (both are on free accounts if that matters) and when I enter the email address of anyone when I try to share, it simply disappears when I get it typed in and hit enter or click their email. I recieve no errors. It wont allow me to share it at all. The sheet is currently shared with one other person and it worked as intended yesterday. Are there any system side issues going on? I'm at a loss and need to share this with our CFO.


  • Jason Tarpinian
    Jason Tarpinian Community Champion

    When you type the email address, does a list of contacts appear under the text field? Try left-clicking on the name when it appears instead. I know sometimes if you hit enter or tab it will blank out the field that you were just trying to share to.

    Jason Tarpinian - Sevan Technology

    Smartsheet Aligned Partner

  • Nothing works from the sheet for me. It just says "Add"theiremailaddress"" in grey and whatever i click it with, either mouse or enter or tab, it disappears. I was able to navigate to the main workspace and then from there, the share worked as expected. I'll just wait and try later from the sheet, but I got what I needed out there so I'm good. I appreciate the suggestion Jason!