Showing Contact Names instead of email addresses in Contact Column in Sheet


  • The problem I am running into is that I have set up employee 1 in my contact list and he has created an account through our organization. When I set up contact list columns, his name pulls in as a contact name instead of an email address, except missing the last letter of his last name. I have tried deleting his contact information and re-adding it but that did not work. Example below:

    What I set up in My Smartsheet Contacts: Joe Smith <>

    What shows up in contact list column: Joe Smit <>

  • jmyzk_cloudsmart_jp
    jmyzk_cloudsmart_jp ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    Hi @Caitlin R.

    If possible, ask your Smartsheet system administrator to correct employee 1's name spelling.

    `As this help article explains, five possible candidates appear as contacts when you type in a cell.

    Manage which contacts appear when you type in a cell

    When you type a name or email address in a Contact List column, the names that are displayed will include the following:

    1 Any preferred contact values that you’ve set up in the Column Properties window.

    2 All collaborators shared to the sheet.

    3 Any other contacts or email addresses that have been assigned to other rows in the sheet.

    4 People in your personal Smartsheet contacts list. 

    5 If your account is part of a Business or Enterprise plan, and other people that are in the plan. Learn more about User Management.

    When I tested the possible candidates, I found that even if you set another candidate's name in one of the four other ways (1-4), if your organization defines the name at the User Management, the definition comes first.

    Since the last letter is wrong in your employee 1's case, the candidate's name will not come up until you spell out "Joe Smith."

    In the example below, my address "" is set as "jmiyazaki" at the user management. So, 'jmiyazaki" appears as a contact candidate when I type "j".

    It is possible to input the contact with the same email address as "jmiyazaki2" or "jmiyazaki3" by assining to other rows in the sheet by the "Add New" or setting as the preferred contact value of the contact list column; I have to spell out to "jmiyazaki2" or "jmiyazaki3" to show them as candidates.

    My Smartsheet Contacts, "jmiyazaki4," was not shown as a candidate even though I spelled out "jmiyazaki4."

    In conclusion, ask your Smartsheet system administrator to correct employee 1's name spelling so that employee 1's name appears as a candidate with minimum name input.

    {Since this is a published sheet, publicly accessed users do not see the contact as I do, nor do my account's users.)

  • Turns out, the way Joe Smith set up his account, something caused his Personal Settings > Profile name to add without the h on the end of Smith. Once Joe corrected it in his settings, everything else got corrected.