Mobile Phone Calendar View on Dashboard

Beth Ingram
Beth Ingram ✭✭✭
edited 08/21/24 in Smartsheet Basics

Has there been any update on how to view a dashboard calendar on a mobile device?


  • Hi @Beth Ingram

    Please feel free to add your vote and comment to this related Product Idea: Calendar View in Dashboards for Mobile Devices

    It will be helpful for the Product team to hear about your specific use-case.


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  • Beth Ingram
    Beth Ingram ✭✭✭

    It is needed for shipping and receiving calendar schedules, production schedules and out of office schedules.

    Many of their employees are in the field. They all use dashboards. But then you embed a calendar in the dashboard it just looks like nothing is there. And links to calendars just show up as a grid.

    Many people use their iPads and smart phones. It is disappointing when you have a great dashboard your client loves on the laptop or desktop but cannot view it on the iPad or smart phone.

    It would be great if this feature could be offered sooner than later.

    Beth Ingram, President, ION Business Strategies / Smartsheet Consultant