Move Row Ignoring Triggers


I am attempting to move rows from one sheet to another when we check the box that the study startup is complete. I built the automation in both "row added or updated" and box checked, as well as "row updated" and box checked. Both times, when I run the automation on the sheet to test, it moves all the rows, not just the ones with the box checked.

I am not sure what I am doing wrong. This is a simple automation. The box being checked is not contingent on another sheet. It must be manually checked on the current sheet. I tried running it on a couple of rows, and all went over, even though one had the box unchecked.

Any guidance would be greatly appreciated.

Amanda Winter (Noe)

Research Applications Administrator

Smartsheet Core Product Certified

Sutter Health Office of Clinical Research


  • DavidMMM
    DavidMMM ✭✭✭
    edited 08/22/24

    As silly/reductive as it may sound, try "Adding a condition" to where the flow will only pull on rows where it's checked. I know you delineated that in the original trigger, but adding in that filter may prompt it to behave as it should.

    Does that fix (or at least sidestep) the issue?