Smartsheet Product Feedback & Ideas

Smartsheet Product Feedback & Ideas

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Formating date columns per person, per preference


We are an international organization and having the dates in a single format on one sheet for everyone is not customer friendly. Is there a way to customize the dates by the column (have multiple columns with different formats - mm/dd/yyyy; yyyy/dd/mm; dd/mm/yyyy) specifically, we would prefer to have it spelled out (April 22, 2024 to show as 22 April 2024) and be able to have the different deliminators (04.22.2024 or 22.04.2024) for file names. It would greatly help in creation of documents and other reports if we were able to pull the date in the cell in the format that makes more sense to the customer (and cause less miscommunication!).

Do you have a work around for this already that I'm not aware of?

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