Auto Populating A Column

edited 08/26/24 in Smartsheet Basics

We are using a smartsheet to track fleet vehicles. We have created a form that employees use to reserve a vehicle. Within this form the employee selects the location of the vehicle they want to reserve, which is a drop down of cities with our vehicles in them. When they select the city, we have set up logic to make their next selection a drop down of the only vehicles in the city (License Plate/year/color/model). We then have them retype this selection manually into another text field, which is the primary key. We do this because, as far as we have figured out, the primary key is the only column that will display in the reservation on the calendar. Here is my question:

Is there a way to make this text box (Primary Key) auto populate with the information from the city and vehicle that they chose, rather than having them manually type this in again?

Any help is appreciated; thanks!


  • @trblancett Can you please provide a screenshot of what you're trying to do?

    From what I can gather, I think you should be able to just put a column formula for your primary key that is "=[Selection Column Name]@row". Is there a need to see this field before the form is submitted?

  • Thank you so much. There is not a need to see it before the form is submitted. The problem I am running in to is that when they select the location, another drop down pops up of the cars available in that location. This is what I want to display in the primary column. For example, if the user chooses "Peoria" in the location drop down, then, based on the logic, they are going to get a second drop down that lists two vehicles: "ABC123 - 2024 Buick Encore" or "DEF456 - 2023 Chevy Malibu"—it is this selection that I want to appear in the primary column.

    I hope that makes sense—thanks for the help!