Make small sub sheets feed into a master sheet

I am pretty sure I have done something like this in the past, but can't remember how and do not want to go through manually cell linking each row.

I am working on a large ongoing project that encompasses several parts/teams. Last time this happened each team had their own individual sheets and there was one master sheet, but no communication between any sheets. So the teams had to make updates in multiple spots for certain information, creating redundancy and letting information fall through the cracks. I am wondering if there was a way to feed these smaller sheets into a larger sheet.

The smaller sheets include certain information that isn't needed in the master sheet, lets say for example, serial numbers. Very important to the smaller sheet/team but not important in the master sheet. Vice versa, the master sheet will have some high level information that is not needed in the smaller sheets; but about 75% of the information does overlap.

I want the smaller teams to be able to update their sheets and utilize their separate sheets for the work that they are doing, but I also want to remove redundancy. So if one of the smaller teams updates say quantity of a row, I want that to feed into the master sheet and update that as well.

Does this make sense? Any suggestions? I do not believe I can achieve this with reports and each subsheet will need different columns than the master sheet. Thanks in advance!


  • AravindGP
    AravindGP ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    Hi @crystal.gonzalez.ND

    You can link your small sheets to the master sheet via INDEX/MATCH or INDEX/COLLECT formulas in your master sheet to pull the data you need.


    Aravind GP| Principal Consultant

    Atturra Data & Integration

    M: +61493337445
