Adding Onedrive files to a dashboard


Is it still the case that we can't upload shared Onedrive files, only our personal files?


Best Answer

  • smartsheetrr
    smartsheetrr ✭✭✭
    Answer ✓

    You can attach personal OneDrive files to Smartsheet easily. For shared files, they must be added to your OneDrive first. If it's just a shared link, Smartsheet might not recognize it. Add the file to your OneDrive or download and re-upload it to avoid issues.


  • smartsheetrr
    smartsheetrr ✭✭✭
    Answer ✓

    You can attach personal OneDrive files to Smartsheet easily. For shared files, they must be added to your OneDrive first. If it's just a shared link, Smartsheet might not recognize it. Add the file to your OneDrive or download and re-upload it to avoid issues.

  • Thanks. The problem with that is we want the original in a shared location on OneDrive, and don't want anyone making another copy on their personal OneDrive.

    Another interesting challenge.