Restricting access to export or print from Smartsheet

We have a lot of sensitive contact information that needs to remain within the business.

Is there a way to restrict users from printing/exporting/copying the data from a Sheet?


  • jmyzk_cloudsmart_jp
    jmyzk_cloudsmart_jp ✭✭✭✭✭✭
    edited 09/03/24

    Hi @Rayner Stevens

    To effectively prevent unauthorized printing, exporting, or copying of sensitive data in Smartsheet, organizations should utilize Smartsheet's Dynamic View feature to limit user access and visibility while leveraging broader IT security measures like Virtual Desktop Infrastructure (VDI) and Data Loss Prevention (DLP) tools to enforce strict controls over data handling and sharing.

    Smartsheet’s Native Limitations:

    • Lacks Native Print, Export, or Copy Restrictions:
      Smartsheet does not provide built-in features to prevent printing, exporting, or copying content from sheets. The security controls primarily rely on user permissions (like Viewer, Editor, Admin) and sharing settings, which do not restrict actions like printing or exporting.
    • Browser-Based Control Limitations:
      Since Smartsheet is a web-based application, preventing users from copying data directly from their browsers or stopping them from taking screenshots is inherently difficult.

    Available Security Measures:

    Within Smartsheet:

    1. Dynamic View:
      • Correct Use of Dynamic View: Dynamic View is a powerful feature in Smartsheet that allows you to create limited, customized views of your data. You can control what each user sees and restrict editing access.
      • Restricting Exports: While Dynamic View can restrict exporting to CSV files, it lacks a native print feature, which adds an extra layer of security to prevent users from easily printing data.
      • Limitation: This does not entirely prevent users from using other methods to copy or capture data (e.g., screenshots).
    Dynamic View Menu when "Export to .csv file" is Allowed.

    General IT System Approach:

    1. Web Content Printing Prevention:
      • This strategy involves applying broader IT measures to restrict the printing of web-based content. For example, browser management tools or extensions can be used to limit printing capabilities and network-level controls can be employed to block printing commands from specific applications.
    2. Virtual Desktop Infrastructure (VDI):
      • Correct Use of VDI: Implementing a VDI is an excellent approach to control the environment where Smartsheet data is accessed. Within a VDI, you can enforce strict rules such as:
        • Preventing printing and downloading.
        • Blocking email clients from sending files outside the virtual desktop.
      • File Sharing Restrictions: VDIs can enforce policies to restrict file transfers, clipboard functions, and other data sharing means, ensuring that data remains within the controlled environment.
      • Advantage: This approach provides centralized control and is ideal for organizations with stringent security requirements.

    Combining Smartsheet Features with Broader IT Security Measures:

    • Synergistic Security: By using Smartsheet’s built-in features (like Dynamic View) to limit user access and combining them with VDI or other IT security measures, organizations can enhance data security effectively. Combining these methods addresses Smartsheet’s limitations and provides a more robust defense against data leakage.

    Additional Recommendations:

    • Use Data Loss Prevention (DLP) Tools: Incorporate DLP tools to monitor, detect, and prevent unauthorized sharing or transmission of sensitive data.
    • Audit and Monitor Activity: Set up auditing and logging within Smartsheet and your IT environment to track user actions and detect unauthorized access or sharing attempts.
    • User Training and Awareness: Educate users on data handling best practices and the organization's data protection policies.