How do I conditionally alert different individuals

I have a Condition where, if Hierarchy is 0 AND Current License Expiration is in the next 60 days AND where the state is NV then alert person, but I also want to alert another member of our team if the state is AZ. how do I add that condition?


  • Almonto1
    Almonto1 ✭✭✭✭

    I would personally use the following automations:

    Workflow 1: AZ Team member assignments (create "State Team Contact" column)

    1. Trigger: When rows are added or changed
    2. Condition: "State" is AZ
    3. Action: Change Cell Value- Cell: "State Team Contact" to {{AZ Team Contact Email}}

    Workflow 2: NV Team member assignments (create "State Team Contact" column)

    1. Trigger: When rows are added or changed
    2. Condition: "State" is NV
    3. Action: Change Cell Value- Cell: "State Team Contact" to {{NV Team Contact Email}}

    Workflow 3: Notification to State Team Contacts

    1. Trigger: When rows are added or changed
    2. Conditions: When "Hierarchy" is 0 AND "Current License Expiration" is in the next 60 (days)
    3. Action: Alert Someone- Send to contacts in a Cell- Cell: "State Team Contact"

    Please let me know if this helps or if you have any other questions!