Copy row to another sheet help

I have a Task Request sheet that has a column listing the name of the Project to which the task belongs.

When a new task is created (from a form) and the requestor has selected the Project it belongs to, I would like to create an automation that copies the task row to sheet that has the same Project name.

If there's a better way to get that task to the selected Project sheet, that would really help! Any insights are appreciated. Thx!


  • Samantha S.
    Samantha S. ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited 09/06/24

    It sounds like you would need a Copy Row workflow using the condition dependent on project type. The only thing that may be cumbersome about this is that you would need to add Otherwise conditions for each project sheet.

  • Thanks, Samantha. We might have a dozen or so projects in flight at the same time. I was hoping the Select a sheet would have the option to check the current row's Project column to know which project sheet to copy the task to instead of restricting us to selecting a specific sheet right here.

    Could there possibly be an add-on someone has developed for this? Or another way to accomplish this?