Formula not returning the correct values

I'm having a bit of a weird issue. I have a helper column that is supposed to return values that are pulled for a metrics sheet. Overall the formula is working, but it's like its not moving past the "Materials Delivered to Vendor" part.

=IF([GM Status]@row = "PO Created", "Written", IF([GM Status]@row = "Delivered to Vendor", "Materials Delivered to Vendor", IF([Shipping Status From Vendor]@row = "Shipped", "Garments Shipped From Vendor", IF(Received@row = 1, "Received", IF([Invoice Status]@row = "paid", "Invoiced")))))

Basically, it doesn't seem to be returning the "Received" or "Invoiced" values and I'm unsure why, as all the other parts of this formula are working fine.

Some extra information: the GM Status column is a drop down, as is Shipping Status From Vendor, the Received column is a checkbox, and Invoice Status is a drop down.

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