Form Automation


Does anyone by chance know if you can create an automation or something that when a form is submitted and added to a sheet that the responses are housed elsewhere? For example say I submit a form and it is added to the sheet like its supposed to, but I want to go back and say I submitted the form X date with the below responses?


  • Paul Newcome
    Paul Newcome Community Champion

    Are you able to provide some screenshots for context?

  • Kerry St. Thomas
    Kerry St. Thomas Community Champion

    To what end? If the purpose is for a person to have a copy of their responses on a form, you can check the "Allow submitter to email a copy of form submission" box on the Settings tab of the Form's design. You could also create an automation that performs the same task (and doesn't allow people to opt out the way the previous suggestion does) - just make sure you somehow are capturing the email address on the form submission (either by using a "Created By" column - but make sure the security settings for your form require login so you can capture unique email address - or require people to type in an email). If you use a "Created By" column, you'll also be able to identify WHO submits the form data, so if you need to follow up with them for clarification etc. it's possible to do directly (and you can actually loop in several automations to do exactly that!).

    Check out these links for more info about forms and automations:

    If this answer resolves your question, please help the Community by marking it as an accepted answer. I'd also be grateful for your response - "Insightful"or "Awesome" reactions are much appreciated. Thanks!

  • Adam Murphy
    Adam Murphy ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    Create a helper sheet (copy of your sheet) and add an automation which triggers when a row is added and the action is to COPY ROW TO NEW SHEET and specify the helper sheet as the destination.