Vlookup - #unparseable result

I built a tracker that is populated with an intake form. One of the criteria is a broker code, that when entered on the tracker from the form, is vlookup’d from a reference sheet and gives me the broker’s name, their branch code and branch name. This works perfectly fine for our purpose.

Our team has now been tasked with reporting to branch managers monthly. Each team member is assigned a different branch, which changes on an ad-hoc basis. My first thought was to create a helper column (Tier 2 CO) that I can hide, that would vlookup another reference sheet (that I can change when branch assignments change) by branch code and give me the team member assigned to this branch. I could then create a workflow that would send the individual team members an alert or an email report on a monthly basis with only their branches. I’m guessing that I can’t vlookup from a reference cell that is already doing a vlookup as I get an #unparseable result. I’ve tried doing an index/match formula as well but that doesn’t seem to work (or I’m not doing it correctly).

Any suggestions on how I can get to where I need to be with this?



=VLOOKUP([Branch Code]@row, {Tier 2 CO 092024 Range 1},2,false))

Reference Sheet:

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