Row Selection To Show Someone is Working on it

Hi there, I have used a smartsheet function in the past where while someone is working on a line, you could select a check box on the far left side of the row to highlight the line that showed someone is working on the row. Does anyone know how to add this function?


  • KPH
    KPH Community Champion

    There is a highlight changes option that automatically shows changes made, but it sounds more like this is a checkbox column added to the sheet that is manually checked and used to apply some conditional formatting. Does the user uncheck the box when they are done and the highlighting disappear?

  • Yes, the user would uncheck the box when they were done. Thanks- Stephanie

  • KPH
    KPH Community Champion

    It definitely sounds like something that was added to the sheet. You can do the same.

    Add a checkbox column. Like this:

    Then set up conditional formatting by clicking on this:

    Then add a new rule:

    Set up the format that you want, like this:

    The rows that are checked are now formatted as per the rule: