New AI - text prompt wiped out all my data

edited 09/18/24 in Smartsheet Basics

I was trying the new AI - text prompt and all of a sudden it wiped out all my data in the cells and apparently did an autosave even though it is not set to do that. When I go to the Veiw Activity Log I can see it changed all the cells to blank and there was the message "Card View: Cards Reordered Indirectly" at the very bottom. Some shared users were still able to see the data but when their sheet refreshed it was gone.

Is there some issue with the new AI feature that others have had this situation? Any ideas how to restore back to a point in the activity log just before all the changes were made?


  • Hi,

    I'm sorry to hear about what happened to your data. Hopefully someone from the SmartSheet team will file an internal bug after reading this post.

    Depending on your plan, you should be able to use the activity log to request a snapshot of the sheet prior to when the data was deleted. SmartSheet will send you an excel file that you can import into the sheet, or manually copy and paste the entries.

    Alternatively, if your sheet was small, you can right click each cell then click "View Cell History" to see which data was in the cell before it was deleted. You could copy and paste this back into the cell, though this tedious and not really feasible if you had a lot of data.

    You might also want to setup weekly backups, if you have not done so already:

    Hope this helps!
