How to Automatically Sync Row Deletions Between Linked Sheets in Smartsheet?

Hi Smartsheet Community,

I need some assistance with syncing linked sheets. I have set up Cell Linking between multiple sheets, and the data updates are working fine—when I change the data in the source sheet, the linked columns in the destination sheet update as expected.

However, I’ve run into an issue when I delete rows in the source sheet. The data in the linked cells remains intact in the destination sheet, even though the row no longer exists in the source sheet.

Is there a way to automatically remove or delete the corresponding rows in the destination sheet when they are deleted in the source sheet? I’m looking for a solution that keeps both sheets fully synchronized, not just for data changes but also for row deletions.

Any suggestions for automating or achieving this would be greatly appreciated! I'm open to using automations, formulas, or any integrations that could help.

Thanks in advance for your insights!
