Assistance with an AND formula

I'm trying to use COUNTIFS - I have a column with multiple items and only want Client Success to be counted; the item also has to be In Progress; the below schema is not working:

=COUNTIFS({Small}, HAS(@cell "Client Success" ), AND({Status2} = "In Progress"))

Any help is appreciated.


Best Answer

  • Kelly P.
    Kelly P. ✭✭✭✭✭✭
    Answer ✓


    The countifs function acts like an "and" formula, so there's no need for an AND in your formula.

    If the column that has "Client Success" will only have a single value in any given cell, then you can use this:

    =COUNTIFS({OtherSheet_ColumnToCount}, "Client Success", {OhterSheet_Status}, "In Progress")

    If the column that has "Client Success" might multiple values in a given cell (e.g., Client Success and Client Goodwill), then you can use this:

    =COUNTIFS({OtherSheet_ColumnToCount}, CONTAINS("Client Success", @cell), {OtherSheet_Status}, "In Progress")

    Hope this helps!


  • Kelly P.
    Kelly P. ✭✭✭✭✭✭
    Answer ✓


    The countifs function acts like an "and" formula, so there's no need for an AND in your formula.

    If the column that has "Client Success" will only have a single value in any given cell, then you can use this:

    =COUNTIFS({OtherSheet_ColumnToCount}, "Client Success", {OhterSheet_Status}, "In Progress")

    If the column that has "Client Success" might multiple values in a given cell (e.g., Client Success and Client Goodwill), then you can use this:

    =COUNTIFS({OtherSheet_ColumnToCount}, CONTAINS("Client Success", @cell), {OtherSheet_Status}, "In Progress")

    Hope this helps!

  • Thank you!! That works perfectly - greatly appreciate your prompt assistance!

  • Kelly P.
    Kelly P. ✭✭✭✭✭✭

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