Need help hiding checkboxes

I have a handful of project intake sheets, that ControlCenter looks at to automatically generate project files if approved. We have 2 types of projects that are intermingled on the sheets, and use 2 automations in CC. I'm now running into an issue with some users checking both approval boxes, and CC generates 2 sets of files for each project. I'm trying to use formula's to hide Option 2 if Option 1 is checked, or if the Attribute column is empty. Also hide Option 1 if the Attribute column is not empty. I have that part worked out via formula, problem is when I make it a column formula, the checkbox no longer functions. I also included a snip of the conditional formatting, which could work, but the checkbox is still visible with the column filled. Any ideas how to tackle this?

Option 1 formula: =IF(Attribute@row <> "", ".", "")

Option 2 formula: =IF(OR([Option 1]@row = 1, Attribute@row = ""), ".", "")


  • Ray Lindstrom
    Ray Lindstrom ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    You can solve this by having the users submit a form instead of logging their request directly on the grid. Then in the form you can use logic to hide/show fields.

    Otherwise there is no way to do this if users are entering their request via the grid directly.

    All the best,

  • JoelN
    JoelN ✭✭✭

    Thanks Ray. Those checkboxes aren't on the initial form that they submit from. The projects are on these sheets in a backlog status, when we're ready to proceed with them, the checkboxes act as the approval and trigger for CC to generate the documents.

    I know it ultimately comes down to a user training issue, I'm just trying to protect them from themselves, and me not having to do routine cleanups on rogue sheets.

  • Ray Lindstrom
    Ray Lindstrom ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    Ahh, I understand. Unfortunately there's no way to do that natively in a Smartsheet grid. Sorry

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