Help with Countifs

I am trying to figure out the formula for my metric sheet. I am wanting data to populate based on a date column and a column that allows for multiple selections (comes from form).

Here is the sheet that my form dumps into. So, I am refencing the date column and the column on the right Where they can select 0-30ish things and add them to the list. Some entrees will have 0 and some may have multiple things selected.

Here is my metric sheet. I have the things that they can fill into the multi select column across the top and the dates gong down. I am not sure how to get a count of things when some cells have multiple responses. It only seems to count the first thing in the cell as of right now but i want it to count everything.

I'm not sure if it is possible. I have used this same approach with other builds but not when I have a column that allows multiple entrees. Maybe someone knows what will fix my line of formula??



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